千駄ケ谷駅 クリスマスに泊まれるおすすめの旅館・ホテル

千駄ケ谷駅 クリスマスに泊まれるおすすめの旅館・ホテル




 全国  >  関東  >  東京都  >  渋谷,恵比寿,目黒,青山
渋谷駅 目黒駅 中目黒駅 恵比寿駅 下北沢駅 青山一丁目駅 二子玉川駅 自由が丘駅 明治神宮前〈原宿〉駅 三軒茶屋駅 外苑前駅 駒沢大学駅 経堂駅 桜新町駅 用賀駅 池尻大橋駅 祖師ヶ谷大蔵駅 桜上水駅 代官山駅 祐天寺駅 白金台駅 代々木公園駅 東松原駅 神泉駅 世田谷代田駅 東北沢駅 宮の坂駅 西太子堂駅 南新宿駅 幡ヶ谷駅 西小山駅 笹塚駅 千駄ケ谷駅


  1. 東京都
  2. 渋谷,恵比寿,目黒,青山



Just off the main street of National Stadium with a nice view. Comfy bed rooms and spacious living room. 6th floor flat and its own balcony.The perfect choice for traveling with friends, or for your family trip! It's only 3 mins walk from National Stadium-国立競技場, on the convenient JR Sobu line, and only 6 mins to Shinjuku Station by train!With an 6 minute walk, you can reach JR Sendagaya, Tokyo Metro Kita-Sando. You can easily to go to Shinjuku and Shibuya.Hello, and welcome to Sendagaya, Tokyo! :)About the AppartmentThis apartment is fairly spacious, with a common room, two sleeping areas including a private room, a separate bathroom and toilet. There are nice views across the main street of Olympic Stadium. You can use the kitchen facilities, including a two-ring gas stove to cook meals. The house has an electronic locking system, and separate locks on the private bedrooms. ★FREE Wi-Fi★You can use FREE Wi-Fi, the fastest and most stable service, called Hikari.★PRIVATE APARTMENT★This apartment is private, meaning it’s not a shared house.★HOUSE EQUIPMENT★-3 double-Sized Beds (140×200 cm)-Sofa bed, same as a single beds (100×200 cm)-Toilet room-Shower room (shampoo and soap are provided)-Air conditioner (can use cooling/heat)-Hair dryer-Kitchen equipment including frying pan, glasses etc.-Free Wi-Fi-TV-Amazon Prime Video-Fridge -Microwave-Clean bath towels and face towels (provided for the no. of guests)-Washing machine★ROOM SPACE★Up to 7 people (2 sleeping areas [1 private rooms, 1 in common area])★CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT★CHECK-IN: any time after 4pm. *EARLY ARRIVAL: You can drop your luggage from 12 noon, but please contact us to arrange it.CHECK-OUT: anytime up to 10am. We are sorry but we can't keep your luggage after the check-out time.You can store it in a coin-locker at any train station.

V Close to Olympic Stadium Sendagaya Roof top Terraceおすすめプラン

※ 注意事項
